P2005/5/725 (12.1911)
Steward Frederick Hooper on his return from the Barrier. December 21st 1911full information on this image »
P2005/5/726 (12.1911)
Steward Frederick Hooper on his return from the Barrier. December 21 1911full information on this image »
P2005/5/574 (10.1911)
The Motor Tractor Party. Lieut Evans, Bernard Day, P.O. Lashly (by flag). Hooper (on right). October 1911full information on this image »
P2005/5/571 (10.1911)
The motor party Lieut Evans, B. Day, Lashly, Hooper. October 1911full information on this image »
P2005/5/572 (10.1911)
The motor party Lieut Evans, B. Day, Lashly, Hooper. October 1911full information on this image »
P2005/5/1120 (1911)
Hooper and Dimitri and a Weddell Seal at Cape Evans. March 1911full information on this image »