Title: Q. Riley, E.W. Bingham and A. Stephenson trying to get ‘Stella’s anchor up. Stella in pancake ice, 20 April 1935
Reference: P51/8/F166
Reference: P51/8/F166
Title: Q. Riley, E.W. Bingham and A. Stephenson trying to get ‘Stella’s anchor up. Stella in pancake ice, 20 April 1935
Description: plastic negative
Collection: British Graham Land Expedition 1934-37
Summary text: Riley stands on the foredeck of the motor boat ‘Stella’, holding on to its mast. Bingham stands in the cockpit and Stephenson stands on ice pushing at the stern. The boat sits in pancake ice. A rowing boat is moored to an ice cliff behind.
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on Thursday, February 5th, 2009 at 10:57 pm and is filed under Photos: British Graham Land Expedition.
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