Title: Capt Scott writing his journal in the Winterquarters Hut. October 7th 1911
Reference: P2005/5/520
Reference: P2005/5/520
Title: Capt Scott writing his journal in the Winterquarters Hut. October 7th 1911
Description: glass plate negative;Hand written in biro: Oct 7. 1911. 341. Capt Scott writing his journal in the Winterquarters Hut.;Hand written on top of envelope: 341. Popperfoto label: Scanned V.I. Hand written in pencil: 15+12 B.V.2 F.8. 7 secs. + 6 top half. + 4 n. side incld man. 1/1 pl. 1LF-2. F 16. 10 secs shg thin pts. + 1 RS. Hand written in blue crayon: 38707;Box 10: Hand written inscription in ink, inside lid: Mr. H.G. Ponting, 47 Oxford Mansion, Oxford Circus. Popperfoto label on outside of box: H. Ponting. Captain Scott’s Antarctic Expedition 1911-1912. 323 – 344. Hand written in ink above Popperfoto label: A33?-418. Width 8 inches, height 7 inches, depth 6 inches. Scratched.
Collection: British Antarctic Expedition 1910-13 (Ponting Collection)
Summary text: Scott sits at a desk writing in a journal. On the wall behind are pictures of his wife and son.