Title: The “Tenements”- bunks in Winterquarters Hut, of Lieut Bowers, Mr Cherry-Garrard, Captain Oates, Mr Meares, and Dr Atkinson. October 9th 1911
Reference: P2005/5/538
Reference: P2005/5/538
Title: The “Tenements”- bunks in Winterquarters Hut, of Lieut Bowers, Mr Cherry-Garrard, Captain Oates, Mr Meares, and Dr Atkinson. October 9th 1911
Description: glass plate negative;Hand written by Ponting: Oct 9th 1911. 352. The “Tenements”- bunks in Winterquarters Hut, of Lieut Bowers, Mr Cherry-Garrard, Captain Oates, Mr Meares, & Dr Atkinson.;Hand written on top of envelope: Scanned V.I.;Box 11: Popperfoto label on outside of box: H. Ponting. Captain Scott’s Antarctic Expedition 1911-1912. 345 – 376. Hand written in ink above Popperfoto label: Antarctic 301. Width 8 inches, height 7 inches, depth 6 inches. Scratched.
Collection: British Antarctic Expedition 1910-13 (Ponting Collection)
Summary text: In the interior of the hut, Cherry-Garrard, Oates, Meares and Atkinson lie on bunks, Bowers stands on a chair next to his. They are surrounded by clothing and equipment which hangs from hooks on walls and the ceiling.