Title: In the ice-pack, from the Main-top of the Terra Nova. (T. Gran and Lees). Dec. 12th 1910
Reference: P2005/5/64
Reference: P2005/5/64
Title: In the ice-pack, from the Main-top of the Terra Nova. (T. Gran and Lees). Dec. 12th 1910
Description: glass plate negative;Hand written by Ponting: Dec 12th 1910.43. In the Ice pack, from the Main-top of the “Terra Nova”. (Gran and Lees);Hand written on top of envelope: 43. Popperfoto label: Scanned V.I.;Box 2: Hand written by Ponting (?) on outside of box lid (on a label which appears to have been torn off): …ONA1 NEGA… Popperfoto label on outside of box: H. Ponting. Captain Scott’s Antarctic Expedition 1911-1912. 35-72. Hand written on inside of lid: 8. Mr H.G. Ponting, 44 Oxford Mansions, Oxford Circus, W.1. Width 8 inches, height 7 inches, depth 6 inches. 53 negatives in box. Scratched.;Typed label: 43. In the ice-pack, from the Main-top of the Terra Nova. (T. Gran and Lees). Dec. 12th 1910
Collection: British Antarctic Expedition 1910-13 (Ponting Collection)
Summary text: One man stands and another lies over a yardarm of the ship ‘Terra Nova’. Pack ice extends into the distance.